Reclaim Your Health
I am Naama, a Nutritional Advisor and a Pilates and bellydance teacher. I am also a qualified Corrective Exercise Specialist and Senior (over 50s) Fitness Specialist and Exercise Referral Specialist.
I work with many people facing different health conditions. Each week I help move and feel better by offering advice on the best diet and which supplements will help them to put their chronic conditions into remission and reclaim and manage their own health. With me you can discover that making change to your diet and lifestyles you will be able to transform your life and health for the better – no matter what age you are now.
Many of us suffer with joint problems and have been diagnosed with arthritis, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis as well as other inflammatory conditions such as colitis, diverticulitis, gastritis allergies, asthma, COPD and more. Yet, the medical world doesn’t have a magic pill for these chronic conditions and can only offer medications to manage the symptoms. For some people they may develop other medical conditions due to the side effects of the medication. So it is a vicious circle.
Any chronic condition means that we have systemic inflammation, a build-up of micro inflammatory processes. It will have taken years for your body to get to this point but even more years for you to start to feel the negative effect on your daily life. But we can work together to help to reduce the effect of this built up inflammation and restore your body.
We can achieve a long-lasting improvement for you. In the same way that the systemic inflammation has taken time to build in your body, it will take us time to reduce the high levels of inflammation that your body is currently fighting. I can help you learn how to reduce your inflammation so that your body can start the healing process. You will reduce your aches and pains, improve your digestive system and boost your body’s natural immunity.
If we understand that inflammation is a process then we must accept that reducing this systemic inflammation is a process and there is no quick fix and there is no magic pill. This is the only way to achieve a long lasting improvement.
More and more people are talking about gut health – understandably so. Your health starts in your gut and what you eat leads to health or disease. By making informed choices you can make a real difference to your life and your body.
I can hear you saying, “There is nothing wrong with my diet”, “My diet is quite healthy”, “I don’t have any digestive discomfort so my diet is good” or “it runs in my family must be in the genes”. Sound familiar?
I have become increasingly fascinated with the power of food and nutrition over the past six years. I’ve absorbed myself in exploring many different aspects through lectures, articles, research studies and more. It wasn’t long before I turned this passion into training as a fully qualified Nutrition Adviser.
I have become increasingly fascinated with the power of food and nutrition over the past six years. I’ve absorbed myself in exploring many different aspects through lectures, articles, research studies and more. I decided to take my passion into official studies and I now have a Diploma as a Nutritional Advisor.
My Pilates and exercise clients have been pushing me to gain official qualifications so I can spread my knowledge further and help more people to:
Eat Better – Feel Better and Move Better.
Reducing inflammation is key for a healthy body. All diseases start with chronic inflammation, that we are not even aware off. This progresses to symptoms that we just learn to live with and accept as a natural process of getting older. We only act when the symptoms get so bad, we can no longer carry out daily tasks and stop enjoying life. It is then that we consult with our GP and are offered medical investigations and medications such as pain killers and steroids. Initially these may alleviate your pain, but they don’t stop the inflammatory process from progressing further.
We treat our cars with more respect than our body - we know when the warning light comes on to contact the garage for an investigation of the root cause. The allopathic medical method of today just treats the symptoms which means you will put a plaster on the warning light and cover it and continue to use your car as usual… We all know that If we ignore it, it will get worse and even result in the car becoming impossible to fix and repair ending up in the breaker’s yard. Our body gives us the warning lights, but we tend to ignore them without a second thought.
Benefits of Reducing Inflammation with the right diet
Reducing your aches and pain and discomfort
Weight loss when necessary
Having more energy and vitality
Improving your mood and feeling more motivated
Balancing your blood sugar
Reducing Cholesterol
Improving your digestion
Boosting your immune system
Feeling a lot better and happier and have more confidence to do what you love doing and even explore new activities.
Knowledge is Power!!!
You will be in control of your health and able to make informed choices when it comes to food and exercise.
Frailty is dangerous! As we age, one unexpected fall maybe the one where we discover it is much harder to bounce back in the same way we could when we were younger. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Senior clients who have been on a similar journey with me have managed to get fitter and stronger than ever before. Those who live by themselves feel more confident and know they can continue to live independently for as long as possible.
Meet Jean - 80 Years old suffers from Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis, COPD, severe degenerative process in her spine, multiple accidents. She nearly ended up in a wheelchair and instead she transformed her life in 4 months and has gone from strength to strength. Very insipring woman.
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To read the full story of Jean click here
"Reclaim Your Health Solo" - £400
What is included in the program?
Reclaim Your Health Solo
Face to face assessment
Face to face assessment with me to assess your posture, muscles imbalance, joint mobility, flexibility and stability. Each week I will provide you will new corrective exercises for your individual need.
Weekly follow up session on zoom or in person
We will go over your diet changes and progress, your corrective exercises and the next step for your healing. You will have a recording of the exercises with full explanations so you can follow them at home with correct technique and full understanding.